It’s a Good Time to Install a Whole-House Generator
As summer comes to a close, people will (or should) start to make plans for the coming change in the season. Fall is the best time to have important heating system jobs done, such as routine maintenance or arranging for replacing an aging heating system that may not make it through the approaching winter.
It’s also an ideal time to have a whole-house generator installed if a home doesn’t already have one.
Why Generators Are a Smart Idea
Winter places an enormous strain on power grids, and homes are using more energy than ever before. When you combine this rise in demand on the municipal power supply with stormy winter weather, there’s a higher chance of suffering a power outage to your home. The loss of power can last for hours and sometimes even days. This is inconvenient—and it can also be dangerous.
A generator is like an insurance policy against long-term power outages. But a portable generator won’t get the job done. Small generators like this can handle a few lights, and are useful for camping trips or carrying in a vehicle for emergencies. But for handling your home’s lighting and heating demands, it takes the power of a whole-house generator.
When you call our generator experts for installation, they’ll find the right type of system for you: they’ll ask you questions about how many appliances need to be kept running in your home during a blackout, and help you determine the right power source for the generator. (If you have access to a gas line, it’s best to have a natural gas generator; there are other options, however.) You can also choose to have an automatic standby generator installed, which turns on automatically whenever it detects a loss of power.
The team at Brilliant Home Services offers generator installations and other services to Arlington Heights, IL and throughout Chicagoland.